Thumbay Hospital Day Care Muweilah Celebrated First Anniversary with Fun Activities, Games and Free/Discounted Checkups & Treatments

Thumbay Hospital Day Care, University City Road, Muweilah, Sharjah celebrated its first anniversary with a variety of programs on Saturday, 28th April 2018.

To celebrate the occasion, the hospital organized a variety of fun activities and games for children and families, like face-painting, henna painting, magic show, arts and craft activities, cartoon characters, photo contest, lucky draw and much more, to celebrate the occasion.

In addition, the hospital also offered free health checkups and special discounts on general and specialist doctors’ consultations, radiology services, laboratory investigations, dental procedures, eye checkup etc. The following services were provided free of cost: ECG, X-ray, Dental checkup & consultation, General Surgery consultation, Hemoglobin test, blood sugar, blood pressure and BMI checkups.

Thumbay Hospital Day Care is a multispecialty center which offers treatments and procedures as day-cases, meaning no overnight stay in the hospital is required, and patients can rest and recuperate in their own homes. Fully-equipped laboratory, advanced radiology services with ultrasound and x-ray facility and trained personnel to ensure optimum patient safety and satisfaction are some of the highlights of the hospital. All major specialties are available at the hospital, complete with ambulance services and dedicated insurance and administrative back-up.



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