Gulf Medical University’s PharmD Program Offered by the College of Pharmacy Gets Recognition from Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE)

The Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) program offered by the College of Pharmacy, Gulf Medical University, Ajman has been recognized by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), making it the first internationally certified entry-to-practice PharmD program in UAE. The ACPE Board of Directors reviewed the PharmD degree program for granting the certification at its meeting during 19-22 June, 2019. All members of the faculty participated actively in the rigorous process of preparing self-study report, site visit, and supplementary reports.

The PharmD program is fully accredited by the Commission for Academic Accreditation of the Ministry of Education, UAE. GMU PharmD students are the only graduates eligible to take the pharmacist license examination right after graduation. The success rate in pharmacist licensure examination in UAE by GMU PharmD students is 100% in the first attempt.

Prof. Sherief Khalifa, Dean of the College of Pharmacy, GMU said, “The institutional and programmatic transformation that happened in the College and the PharmD program is a step in the right direction. Due to these changes, we are attracting and retaining high quality faculty and the best and brightest students. It is a privilege for all of us, faculty and students to be part of a college and a program that is ACPE certified. Our mission of continuous quality improvement keeps us always on the lookout for better ways to educate our students. This is part of our responsibility to produce pharmacists who can better serve their patients in UAE and anywhere in the world.”

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